Friday 4 September 2015

Reclamation after the Locust Years

Reclamation after the Locust Years

-Lester Parkinson

Scripture Setting: "I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts, the hopping locusts, the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts." Joel 2:25

Not long ago, a leading British Newspaper reported that a woman had hidden US$20,000 worth of jewelry in a plastic bag, hoping to prevent burglars from locating it should they target her home.

Later, having forgotten about it, she accidentally threw the bag out with her garbage. Several workmen searched for nine hours in a landfill before reclaiming her treasure and restoring it to her.

Some people throw away God's abundant and gracious blessings in their lives through foolish choices and blatant sin. There was a time in my life when I wasn't experiencing the blessings of God because of worry and bitterness. When I finally realized that I couldn't help myself. I ineluctably turned to God, repentant and broken. Gradually, as He taught and reminded me through His WORD that I MUST rely on HIM for ALL things, I experienced a full restoration of His HAND OF BLESSING.

In the book which bears his name, Joel, in his second missive to recalcitrant Israel, an invasion of locusts had stripped God's people of everything that they had planted and depended on for their daily sustenance. What those swarming locusts did to them, our persistent sins will do [similarly] to us. Our ONLY hope is to heed God's call: "Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning. (v. 12).

To all of us who turn to the Lord in repentance, regardless of the sins that plague us, He solemnly promised. "I WILL give you BACK what you LOST" (v. 25).

Do you need to get rid of "locusts" in your life today? When God forgives, He removes the sin, revives with His Spirit and restores the soul.

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