Friday, 28 October 2016

Prayer - An Intimate Conversation With God Our Best Friend! 

Scripture Setting: The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Exodus 33:11

Chico (not his real name) and I have been neighbors and abiding friends since grade school. And even though our paths have taken us in different directions since those early childhood school days, we have maintained our very close and abiding friendship. 

"Chico" spent his adult life working on the high seas as a sailor and now resides and works in Brooklyn, New York. I, on the other hand have been involved in mission work in several African countries and am now serving young people in Higher education in the English-speaking Caribbean. 

Every now and then we just have to talk. So, either of us would pick up the phone and to catch up on what's been happening with our respective lives and share about our  families, and to open our hearts to each other, knowing that each others confidence would be maintained. And as we recapitulate on our childhood and adolescent days, we'd find ourselves chuckling like silly grade school boys, recalling episodes of mischief and long days of care-free existence of clean, wholesome fun.

In Exodus 33:11, we read that "the Lord would speak to Moses . . . . as one speaks to a friend."  Moses enjoyed something far better than an occasioned long-distance talk with the Lord. [Unlike Chico and I] he had frequent face-to-face conversations with Him. During those intimate talks, the Lord gave Moses instructions for leading the people of Israel to higher heights of spiritual excellence and growth.

Because of what Jesus Christ has done for us, and because the Holy Spirit lives within all followers of Christ, we too can enjoy a special relationship and closeness with God. He speaks to us through His Word and by His Spirit, and we have the privilege of talking to Him in prayer. If you're like me, as you chart the course of your day, and with busy and sometimes very stressful schedules and pressing circumstances, you'll find yourself saying to God, your Heavenly Father and Friend, "We just have to talk." Knowing that God is always available to us as Problem Solver and Friendly Guide.

In conclusion, prayer is meant to be an intimate conversation with God---our best Friend.

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